Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people. Robert Benchley
No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humor. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it. Bill Cosby
We do not take humor seriously enough. Konrad Lorenz
A man sufficiently gifted with humor is in small danger of succumbing to flattering delusions about himself, because he cannot help perceiving what a pompous ass he would become if he did. Konrad Lorenz
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquillity. James Thurber
The secret source of humour is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humour in heaven. Phillip Adams
Gags die, humor doesn’t. Jack Benny
The best thing about humour is that it shows people they are not alone. Sid Caesar
Humor is merely tragedy standing on its head with its pants torn. Irvin S Cobb
A well-developed sense of humour is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life. William Arthur Ward
Wit is a lean creature with sharp inquiring nose, whereas humor has a kindly eye and a comfortable girth. Charles S Brooks
Where wit is a form of criticism or mockery, humor includes an element of self-criticism or self-mockery; where wit tends to proclaim imperfection, humor wryly acknowledges it; where wit undresses you, humor goes naked. Louis Kronenberger
Humour is the mask of wisdom. Friedrich Durrenmatt
Humor, a good sense of it, is to Americans what manhood is to Spaniards and we will go to great lengths to prove it. Experiments with laboratory rats have shown that, if one psychologist in the room laughs at something a rat does, all of the other psychologists in the room will laugh equally. Nobody wants to be left holding the joke. Garrison Keillor