Dating Quotes

On a plane you can pick up more and better people than on any other public conveyance since the stagecoach. Anita Loos

Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla. Jim Bishop

Save a boyfriend for a rainy day – and another, in case it doesn’t rain. Mae West

I’ve been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog. Wendy Liebman

Employees make the best dates. You don’t have to pick them up and they’re always tax-deductible. Andy Warhol

Let’s face it: a date is a job-interview, that lasts all night. The only difference between a date and a job interview is: not many job-interviews is there a chance you’ll end up naked at the end of it. Jerry Seinfeld

I’m dating a homeless woman. It was easier talking her into staying over. Garry Shandling

Whenever I date a guy, I think, is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with? Rita Rudner

Self-help books are making life downright unsafe. Women desperate to catch a man practice all the ploys recommended by these authors. Bump into him, trip over him, knock him down, spill something on him, scald him, but meet him. Florence King

I have such poor vision I can date anybody. Garry Shandling