Inconsistency Quotes

Inconsistencies of opinion, arising from changes of circumstances, are often justifiable. Daniel Webster

You cannot perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself. Zig Ziglar

No well-informed person ever imputed inconsistency to another for changing his mind. Cicero

Mutability of temper and inconsistency with ourselves is the greatest weakness of human nature. Joseph Addison

Nothing that isn’t a real crime makes a man appear so contemptible and little in the eyes of the world as inconsistency. Joseph Addison

One cannot live without inconsistency. Carl Jung

There are those who would misteach us that to stick in a rut is consistency – and a virtue; and that to climb out of the rut is inconsistency – and a vice. Mark Twain

Mankind is made up of inconsistencies, and no man acts invariably up to his predominant character. The wisest man sometimes acts weakly, and the weakest sometimes wisely. Lord Chesterfield

There is nothing constant in this world but inconsistency. Jonathan Swift

If we divine a discrepancy between a man’s words and his character, the whole impression of him becomes broken and painful; he revolts the imagination by his lack of unity, and even the good in him is hardly accepted. Charles Horton Cooley