A collection of a hundred great brains makes one big fathead. Carl Gustav Jung
The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. Carl Gustav Jung
The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown. Carl Gustav Jung
The man who promises everything is sure to fulfil nothing, and everyone who promises too much is in danger of using evil means in order to carry out his promises, and is already on the road to perdition. Carl Gustav Jung
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity. Carl Gustav Jung
For, in order to turn the individual into a function of the State, his dependence on anything beside the State must be taken from him. Carl Gustav Jung
Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism. Carl Gustav Jung
Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. Carl Gustav Jung
One cannot live without inconsistency. Carl Gustav Jung
Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being. Carl Gustav Jung
At the moment I am looking into astrology, which seems indispensable for a proper understanding of mythology. There are strange and wondrous things in these lands of darkness. Please, don’t worry about my wanderings in these infinitudes. I shall return laden with rich booty for our knowledge of the human psyche. Carl Gustav Jung
Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity. Carl Gustav Jung
The Christian missionary may preach the gospel to the poor naked heathen, but the spiritual heathen who populate Europe have as yet heard nothing of Christianity. Carl Gustav Jung
The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers. Carl Gustav Jung
The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Carl Gustav Jung
Sentimentality is the superstructure erected upon brutality. Carl Gustav Jung
Resistance to the organized mass can be effected only by the man who is as well organized in his individuality as the mass itself. Carl Gustav Jung