Years ago, manhood was an opportunity for achievement, and now it is a problem to be overcome. Garrison Keillor
The disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth: let us hope that the heritage of old age is not despair. Benjamin Disraeli
We need the iron qualities that go with true manhood. We need the positive virtues of resolution, of courage, of indomitable will, of power to do without shrinking the rough work that must always be done. Theodore Roosevelt
Manhood begins when we have in any way made truce with Necessity; begins even when we have surrendered to Necessity, as the most part only do; but begins joyfully and hopefully only when we have reconciled ourselves to Necessity; and thus, in reality, triumphed over it, and felt that in Necessity we are free. Thomas Carlyle
Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. Camille Paglia
Personally, I hold that a man, who deliberately and intelligently takes a pledge and then breaks it, forfeits his manhood. Mahatma Gandhi
Show me the man you honour, and I will know what kind of man you are, for it shows me what your ideal of manhood is and what kind of man you long to be. Thomas Carlyle
No man has ever risen to the real stature of spiritual manhood until he has found that it is finer to serve somebody else than it is to serve himself. Woodrow Wilson
Manhood at the most basic level can be validated and expressed only in action. George Gilder
In the modern techno-industrial culture, it is possible to proceed from infancy into senility without ever knowing manhood. Edward Abbey