Camille Paglia Quotes

Every model of morally or politically correct sexual behavior will be subverted by nature’s daemonic law. Camille Paglia

Professors of humanities, with all their leftist fantasies, have little direct knowledge of American life and no impact whatever on public policy. Camille Paglia

Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman’s attention. Camille Paglia

Women’s sexual powers are enormous. All cultures have seen it. Men know it. Women know it. The only people who don’t know it are feminists. Desensualized, desexualized, neurotic women. Camille Paglia

Gay men may seek sex without emotion; lesbians often end up in emotion without sex. Camille Paglia

Our major universities are now stuck with an army of pedestrian, toadying careerists, Fifties types who wave around Sixties banners to conceal their record of ruthless, beaverlike tunneling to the top. Camille Paglia

It is hypocritical for feminists and intellectuals to enjoy the pleasures and conveniences of capitalism while sneering at it…. Everyone born into capitalism has incurred a debt to it. Camille Paglia

Cats are autocrats of naked self-interest. They are both amoral and immoral, consciously breaking rules. Their ‘evil’ look at such times is no human projection: the cat may be the only animal who savors the perverse or reflects upon it. Camille Paglia

Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west’s stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art’s assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth. Camille Paglia

Popular culture is the new Babylon, into which so much art and intellect now flow. It is our imperial sex theater, supreme temple of the western eye. We live in the age of idols. The pagan past, never dead, flames again in our mystic hierarchies of stardom. Camille Paglia

Every man must define his identity against his mother. If he does not, he just falls back into her and is swallowed up. Camille Paglia

Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all. Camille Paglia

Mental illness is no myth, as some have claimed. It is a disturbance in our sense of possession of a stable inner self that survives its personae. Camille Paglia

If you live in rock and roll, as I do, you see the reality of sex, of male lust and women being aroused by male lust. It attracts women. It doesn’t repel them. Camille Paglia

There are no accidents, only nature throwing her weight around. Camille Paglia

Cinema is the culmination of the obsessive, mechanistic male drive in western culture. Camille Paglia

Pursuit and seduction are the essence of sexuality. It’s part of the sizzle. Camille Paglia