First Lady Quotes

I see the first lady as another means to keep a president from becoming isolated. Nancy Reagan

The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person, her husband. Lady Bird Johnson

Any lady who is first lady likes being first lady. I don’t care what they say, they like it. Richard Nixon

Being first lady is the hardest unpaid job in the world. Patricia Nixon

The one thing I do not want to be called is First Lady. It sounds like a saddle horse. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Always be on time. Never try to make any personal engagements. Do as little talking as humanly possible. Never be disturbed by anything. Always do what you’re told to do as quickly as possible. Remember to lean back in a parade, so that people can see your husband. Don’t get too fat to ride three on a seat. Get out of the way as quickly as you’re not needed. Eleanor Roosevelt

Roughly speaking, the President of the United States knows what his job is. Constitution and custom spell it out, for him as well as for us. His wife has no such luck. The First Lady has no rules; rather each new woman must make her own. Shana Alexander