Effectiveness Quotes

Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things. Peter Drucker

People, like nails, lose their effectiveness when they lose direction and begin to bend. Walter Savage Landor

The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric progression if there are no interruptions. Andre Maurois

When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally. Lao Tzu

We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind. Stephen R. Covey

The most effective way to do it, is to do it. Amelia Earhart

Action to be effective must be directed to clearly conceived ends. Jawaharlal Nehru

Laws are never as effective as habits. Adlai Stevenson

To increase your effectiveness, make your emotions subordinate to your commitments. Brian Koslow