Winning Quotes

Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Vince Lombardi

If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score? Vince Lombardi

What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate. Donald Trump

There is nothing to winning, really. That is, if you happen to be blessed with a keen eye, an agile mind, and no scruples whatsoever. Alfred Hitchcock

The desire to win is born in most of us. The will to win is a matter of training. The manner of winning is a matter of honour. Margaret Thatcher

Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that’s more productive. Donald Trump

Anybody can win unless there happens to be a second entry. George Ade

Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can. Paul Tournier

No matter how tough, no matter what kind of outside pressure, no matter how many bad breaks along the way, I must keep my sights on the final goal, to win, win, win – and with more love and passion than the world has ever witnessed in any performance. Billie Jean King

I’ve been a winner, and I’ve been a loser, and believe me, winning is best. Morris K Udall