As far as talent goes, Marilyn Monroe was so minimally gifted as to be almost unemployable, and anyone who holds to the opinion that she was a great natural comic identifies himself immediately as a dunce. Clive James
She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short. Clive James (on Marilyn Monroe)
Hollywood didn’t kill Marilyn Monroe, it’s the Marilyn Monroes who are killing Hollywood. Billy Wilder
So we think of Marilyn who was every man’s love affair with America. Marilyn Monroe who was blonde and beautiful and had a sweet little rinky-dink of a voice and all the cleanliness of all the clean American backyards. Norman Mailer
Marilyn was mean. Terribly mean. The meanest woman I have ever met around this town. I have never met anybody as mean as Marilyn Monroe or as utterly fabulous on the screen. Billy Wilder