Laziness Quotes

Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. Thomas Fowell Buxton

If politicians and scientists were lazier, how much happier we should all be. Evelyn Waugh

It is better to have loafed and lost than never to have loafed at all. James Thurber

Progress isn’t made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something. Robert Heinlein

Laziness. Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree. Ambrose Bierce

It is often laziness and timidity that keep us within our duty – while virtue gets all the credit. Francois duc de La Rochefoucauld

Our minds are as much given to laziness as our bodies. François, Duc De La Rochefoucauld

A lazy person, whatever the talents with which he set out, will have condemned himself to second-hand thoughts and to second-rate friends. Cyril Connolly