Eroticism Quotes

Eroticism is assenting to life even in death. Georges Bataille

Eroticism differs from animal sexuality in that human sexuality is limited by taboos and the domain of eroticism is that of the transgression of these taboos. Desire in eroticism is the desire that triumphs over the taboo. It presupposes man in conflict with himself. Georges Bataille

An enormous amount of art and literature is erotic in the sense that it stimulates vague sexual emotions, but it has no pornographic intention or effect because ‘it leaves everything to the imagination.’ The consumer has to invent his own images, and it is felt, I do not know with what justification, that there is no harm in this. Sir Herbert Read

Gossip, even when it avoids the sexual, bears around it a faint flavor of the erotic. Patricia Meyer Spacks

Eroticism is like a dance: one always leads the other. Milan Kundera

A man’s eroticism is a woman’s sexuality. Karl Kraus

In this loveless everyday life eroticism is a substitute for love. Henri Lefebvre