Michael Winner Quotes

A team effort is a lot of people doing what I say. Michael Winner

The truth of the matter is that muggers are very interesting people. Michael Winner

He was a very good actor but he wasn’t used as an actor as much as he should have been because he became famous as Peter Ustinov. Michael Winner

During the Sixties, the Americans thought I was the greatest thing in the history of cinema. Michael Winner

I swim every morning, go on the treadmill and then I ask myself, ‘Why am I still so fat?’ Michael Winner

I can’t think of anything worse than serving people in restaurants. It’s my idea of hell on earth. To have to cater for people who are ignorant, and then there’s the staff stealing everything – the cutlery, the food. Kitchens must be places of terrible stress. Michael Winner

An OBE is what you get if you clean the toilets well at King’s Cross station. Michael Winner