I saw him now going the way of all flesh. John Webster
Is not old wine wholesomest, old pippins toothsomest, old wood burns brightest, old linen wash whitest? Old soldiers, sweetheart, are surest, and old lovers are soundest. John Webster
‘T is just like a summer bird-cage in a garden,’the birds that are without despair to get in, and the birds that are within despair and are in a consumption for fear they shall never get out. John Webster
I know death hath ten thousand several doors
For men to take their exit.
John Webster
Vain the ambition of kings
Who seek by trophies and dead things,
To leave a living name behind,
And weave but nets to catch the wind.
John Webster
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright,
But looked to near, have neither heat nor light.
John Webster
Heaven-gates are not so highly arched
As princes’ palaces: they that enter there
Must go upon their knees.
John Webster
Eagles commonly fly alone. They are crows, daws, and starlings that flock together. John Webster
When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons. John Webster