Herschel Walker Quotes

If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat. Herschel Walker

My God given talent is my ability to stick with training longer than anybody else. Herschel Walker

I’m in better shape today than when I played. I’ll stay in shape no matter what because that’s how I’ve disciplined myself. I strive to be my best. Herschel Walker

I never get tired of running. The ball ain’t that heavy. Herschel Walker

I am comfortable in the backfield or wherever they put me. I love touching the ball. I want to get out on the wing with one-on-one coverage and see what I can do. Herschel Walker

When I feel good about myself, things start happening for myself. When you look up, you go up. Herschel Walker

The hardest thing I had to overcome in life? I think racism. That’s so difficult because I don’t think anyone can ever understand it. It’s not that people don’t want to understand it, but they don’t want to touch it. Herschel Walker

Lets not push it under the rug, or push it to the side because, no matter what, it’s going to keep coming up. You know, if you never deal with that dirt up under the carpet, it’s going to get larger and larger, and it’s going to keep coming up. Herschel Walker

All these older kids here, and I’m the only one from a town that’s so small, if everyone breathed at the same time, you’d run out of oxygen. Herschel Walker