Fortune favours the bold. Terence
That is true wisdom, to know how to alter one’s mind when occasion demands it. Terence
There is a demand today for men who can make wrong appear right. Terence
I am a man, and whatever concerns humanity is of interest to me. Terence
There is nothing so easy but that it becomes difficult when you do it reluctantly. Terence
The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love. Terence
Too much liberty corrupts us all. Terence
I take it to be a principle rule of life, not to be too much addicted to any one thing. Terence
Children should be led into the right paths, not by severity, but by persuasion. Terence
Rigorous law is often rigorous injustice. Terence
How many things, both just and unjust, are sanctioned by custom! Terence