Sydney Smith Quotes

He had occasional flashes of silence that made his conversation perfectly delightful. Sydney Smith

Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. Sydney Smith

Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one who comes between them. Sydney Smith

Never try to reason the prejudice out of a man. It wasn’t reasoned into him, and cannot be reasoned out. Sydney Smith

It is the calling of great men, not so much to preach new truths, as to rescue from oblivion those old truths which it is our wisdom to remember and our weakness to forget. Sydney Smith

Politeness is good nature regulated by good sense. Sydney Smith

I always fear that creation will expire before teatime. Sydney Smith

Thank God for tea! What would the world do without tea! I am glad I was not born before tea. Sydney Smith

My idea of heaven is eating paté de foie gras to the sound of trumpets. Sydney Smith

What two ideas are more inseparable than beer and Britannia? Sydney Smith