Henry Miller Quotes

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, serenely, divinely aware. Henry Miller

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience. Henry Miller

No man is great enough or wise enough for any of us to surrender our destiny to. The only way in which anyone can lead us is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance. Henry Miller

The real leader has no need to lead he is content to point the way. Henry Miller

The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love. Henry Miller

Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him. Henry Miller

Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood. Henry Miller

Whatever needs to be maintained through force is doomed. Henry Miller

The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. Henry Miller

Example moves the world more than doctrine. The great exemplars are the poets of action, and it makes little difference whether they be forces for good or forces for evil. Henry Miller

Analysis brings no curative powers in its train; it merely makes us conscious of the existence of an evil, which, oddly enough, is consciousness. Henry Miller

Whenever a taboo is broken, something good happens, something vitalizing…Taboos after all are only hangovers, the product of diseased minds, you might say, of fearsome people who hadn’t the courage to live and who under the guise of morality and religion have imposed these things upon us. Henry Miller

Surrealism is merely the reflection of the death process. It is one of the manifestations of a life becoming extinct, a virus which quickens the inevitable end. Henry Miller

Every genuine boy is a rebel and an anarch. If he were allowed to develop according to his own instincts, his own inclinations, society would undergo such a radical transformation as to make the adult revolutionary cower and cringe. Henry Miller