It takes less time to do a thing right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong. Longfellow
In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity. Longfellow
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. Longfellow
Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions. Longfellow
Music is the universal language of mankind. Longfellow
Gone are the living, but the dead remain,
And not neglected; for a hand unseen,
Scattering its bounty like a summer rain,
Still keeps their graves and their remembrance green.
Talk not of wasted affection! affection never was wasted;
If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters returning
Back to their springs, like the rain, shall fill them full of refreshment.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All your strength is in your union. All your danger is in discord. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The holiest of all holidays are those
Kept by ourselves in silence and apart;
The secret anniversaries of the heart.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
How beautiful is the rain!
After the dust and the heat,
In the broad and fiery street,
In the narrow lane,
How beautiful is the rain!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
For after all the best thing one can do when it is raining, is to let it rain. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow