Euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person. Pope John Paul II: Evangelium Vitae, 1995
As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live. Pope John Paul II
The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn. Pope John Paul II
Truth must be the foundation stone, the cement to solidify the entire social edifice. Pope John Paul II
Marriage is an act of will that signifies and involves a mutual gift, which unites the spouses and binds them to their eventual souls, with whom they make up a sole family – a domestic church. Pope John Paul II
Pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares no one…The challenge that is already with us is the temptation to accept as true freedom what in reality is only a new form of slavery. Pope John Paul II
Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. Pope John Paul II
Must children receive the arms race from us as a necessary inheritance? Pope John Paul II
Modern Society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyles. Pope John Paul II