Robert G Ingersoll Quotes

Courage without conscience is a wild beast. Robert G Ingersoll

In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment – there are consequences. Robert G Ingersoll

In the republic of mediocrity genius is dangerous. Robert G Ingersoll

The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart. Robert G Ingersoll

Hope is the only universal liar who never loses his reputation for veracity. Robert G Ingersoll

He loves his country best who strives to make it best. Robert G Ingersoll

Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God holds others in contempt. Robert G Ingersoll

Heresy is a cradle; orthodoxy a coffin. Robert G Ingersoll

Let us put theology out of religion. Theology has always sent the worst to heaven, the best to hell. Robert G Ingersoll

The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it. Robert G Ingersoll

There is no slavery but ignorance. Liberty is the child of intelligence. Robert G Ingersoll