People who refuse to rest honorably on their laurels when they reach ‘retirement’ age seem very admirable to me. Helen Hayes
Stardom can be a gilded slavery. Helen Hayes
If you rest, you rust. Helen Hayes
Actors work and slave – and it is the color of your hair that can determine your fate in the end. Helen Hayes
The old-fashioned idea that the simple piling up of experiences, one on top of another, can make you an artist, is, of course, so much rubbish. If acting were just a matter of experience, then any busy harlot could make Garbo’s Camille pale. Helen Hayes
Egocentrics are attracted to the inept. It gives them one more excuse for patting themselves on the back. Helen Hayes
An actress always knows when she’s hit it and mostly you haven’t; but once or twice I think I hit it right, so maybe that’s good enough for one life. Helen Hayes