Samuel Gompers Quotes

The worst crime against working people is a company which fails to operate at a profit. Samuel Gompers

Show me the country that has no strikes and I’ll show you the country in which there is no liberty. Samuel Gompers

Doing for people what they can and ought to do for themselves is a dangerous experiment. Samuel Gompers

Strikes have their evils but they have their good points also, and with proper management, with proper organization, strikes do generally result to the advantage of labor… Samuel Gompers

The history of labor is littered with the skeletons of organizations done to death because of hasty strikes gone into, for the best of reasons but unprepared. Samuel Gompers

The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers… It is in reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish. Samuel Gompers

Where trade unions are most firmly organized, there are the rights of the people most respected. Samuel Gompers