We look forward to the time when the power to love of will replace the love of power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. W E Gladstone
Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. W E Gladstone
Decision by majorities is as much an expedient as lighting by gas. W E Gladstone
Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically right. W E Gladstone
Justice delayed is justice denied. W E Gladstone
Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race. W E Gladstone
If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you. W E Gladstone
Finance is, as it were, the stomach of the country, from which all the other organs take their tone. W E Gladstone
National injustice is the surest road to national downfall. W E Gladstone