Isadora Duncan Quotes

Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences. Isadora Duncan

The dancer’s body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul. Isadora Duncan

If I could tell you what it meant, there would be no point in dancing it. Isadora Duncan

Virtuous people are simply those who have not been tempted sufficiently, because they live in a vegetative state, or because their purposes are so concentrated in one direction that they have not had the leisure to glance around them. Isadora Duncan

It seems to me monstrous that anyone should believe that the jazz rhythm expresses America. Jazz rhythm expresses the primitive savage. Isadora Duncan

The real American type can never be a ballet dancer. The legs are too long, the body too supple and the spirit too free for this school of affected grace and toe walking. Isadora Duncan