Charles Baudelaire Quotes

I am unable to understand how a man of honour could take a newspaper in his hands without a shudder of disgust. Charles Baudelaire

It is necessary to work, if not from inclination, at least from despair. Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself. Charles Baudelaire

Any healthy man can go without food for two days – but not without poetry. Charles Baudelaire

For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation. Charles Baudelaire

The man who says his evening prayer is a captain posting his sentinels. He can sleep. Charles Baudelaire

Dandyism is the last flicker of heroism in decadent ages. Charles Baudelaire

The priest is an immense being because he makes the crowd believe astonishing things. Charles Baudelaire

Romanticism is found precisely neither in the choice of subjects nor in exact truth, but in a way of feeling. Charles Baudelaire

For me, Romanticism is the most recent and the most current expression of beauty. Charles Baudelaire